
2ltr is a dialect i just invented that combines most 2 letter words from any language. Inspired by Vsauce

AA = rough and cindery lava
AB = ABdominal muscle
AC = Automatic Conditioner
AD = ADvertisement
AE = one
AF = semantic amplification of previous phrase
AG = agriculture or gold
AH = surprise or delight
AI = 3 toed sloth or Artificial Intellegence
AJ = name
AL = East Indian tree/name/ALuminum/ALabama
AM = 1st pov of BE
AN = indefinite article
AR = R/Argon/ARe/ARkansas
AS = to the same degree
AT = in position of
AW = cuteness or disappointment
AX = cutting tool
AY = affirmative vote or A
BA = eternal soul (egyptian)
BE = to exist as
BI = two
BO = a pal
BY = near
DA = father (British)
DE = of/from
DO = C note or to enact
ED = EDucation
EF = F
EH = doubt
EL = L or spanish "the"
EM = M
EN = N or spanish "in"
ER = hesitation or Emergency Room
ES = S or spanish "is"
ET = past "eat" or old "and"
EW = disgust
EX = X or previous lover
FA = F note
FE = Hebrew equiv. of F
GI = garnment in judo
GO = to move along
HA = laughter or surprise
HE = male pronoun
HI = greeting
HM = consideration
HO = surprise
ID = part of psyche or IDentification
IF = in event of
IN = enclosed by
IS = 3rd pov of BE
IT = neutral pronoun
JA = German "yes" or JAnuary
JO = sweetheart
KA = spritual self
KI = inner strength or life energy
LA = A note
LI = chinese unit of distance: 500m
LO = low
MA = mother
ME = personal pronoun
MI = E note
MM = assent or confirmation
MO = MOment or MissOuri
MU = Greek equiv. of M
MY = possessive pronoun
NA = NO or not
NE = born with name of
NU = Greek equiv. of N
NO = negative reply
OD = hypothical force or OverDose
OE = Faeroe Islands whirlwind
OF = from
OH = surprise
OI = dismay
OK = alright or all correct (Oll Korrect)
OM = mantra or mispelling of Ohm
ON = touching
OO = egg
OP = style of abstract art
OR = indicates alternative
OS = a bone or Operating System
OW = pain
OX = domestic bovine
OY = dismay
PA = father
PE = Hebrew equiv. of P
PI = Greek equiv. of P or 3.14159265358979
PO = chamber pot
QI (pronounced "chee") = circulating life energy
RE = D note or RhEnium or Egyptian god Re
SH = demand of silence
SI = B note
SO = G note or to extent of
TA = gratitude
TE = B note or Tellurium
TI = B note or Titanium
TO = in direction of
UH = hesitation
UM = hesitation
UN = one
UT = C2 note
UP = high position
US = objective WE
WE = 1st pov plural noun
WO = WOe
XI = Greek equiv. of X
XU = monetary unit of Vietnam: 0.000002089831 USD
YA = you
YE = you/ÞE/Russian E/YE
YI = Yi language
YO = Russian Ë/YO
ZA = pizza
ZE = French accented "the"
ZI = Z or Albanian "black"